
EBSS @ ALA Annual in Anaheim

An invitation for those attending ALA Annual in Anaheim!

Want to know more about how open access is playing out in the social and behavioral sciences? Can’t learn enough about emerging academic publishing models? EBSS has scheduled two events you will want to attend:

Knowledge Wants to be Known:
Open Access for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Conference Program
Saturday, June 28, 1:30 – 3:30 pm

Disneyland Hotel, Magic Kingdom 4

Open access is not one-size-fits-all; disciplines have unique publishing histories and requirements. Learn how to energize behavioral science faculty and connect access issues with the “publish or perish” imperative. Prominent educator and open-access advocate John Willinsky (Stanford University) will frame the issue; Alison Mudditt (Sage Publications) and Ray English (Oberlin College) will help place this in context from a publisher and librarian perspective respectively.

For more information on this program, including a video explaining open access by Dr. Willinsky and the program flyer, visit EBSS's ALA Annual 2008 Program page.

This program is co-sponsored by Science and Technology Section and ACRL Scholarly Communication Committee.

Follow up with the EBSS Psychology/Psychiatry Discussion Forum

Practical Aspects of Open Access Publishing in the
Behavioral Sciences
Sunday, June 29, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Hilton Anaheim (Manhattan)

A panel of practitioner experts will briefly outline publishing models from three perspectives after which open discussion will be encouraged.
  • Linda Beebe, (Senior Director, PsycINFO) will talk briefly about APA policies for indexing open-access journals and touch on publishing models currently in use by the various APA divisions.

  • Lorelei Tanji (Associate University Librarian, University of California, Irvine) and Brenda Johnson-Grau (Managing Editor, UCLA Center for the Study of Women) will share their experiences with the eScholarship IR sponsored by the University of California, particularly their work to encourage faculty members to post to the IR and the reactions they have received from them.

  • Jennifer Laherty (Reference/Digital Services Librarian, Indiana University Bloomington) will talk about her experience with Museum Anthropology Review, an online open access journal published through the IU library.

  • Laura Mullen (Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Rutgers University) will moderate the panel.

Hope to see you there!

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Co-Chair Position

Co-Chair, Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group (CMCIG)

Do you or another Curriculum Materials Center colleague want to be more involved in ALAO? Please nominate them or yourself for CMCIG Co-Chair for 2008-09. CMCIG co-chairs represent and advocate for the concerns and interests of Ohio’s Curriculum Materials Centers at the state level. Your service provides an opportunity to network with other Ohio academic library professionals and share ideas and information about timely issues. Ideally, it is a two-year position.

Send nominee names and contact information to Ann.Raney@notes.udayton.edu by May 16th. We’ll choose a new co-chair during the Spring Workshop.


· Attend the annual retreat (usually two days in June – meet other board members, learn about ALAO, organizational plans for the next year, and the IG chair’s duties and workshop procedures. This year’s retreat is June 2nd and 3rd.)

· Attend 4 board meetings at OHIONET (usually on Fridays in September, November, February, & April)

· Plan a CMCIG sponsored session for the ALAO Annual Conference in late October or early November. (The coordinating committee and workshop evaluations provide suggestions.)

· Plan and coordinate the spring workshop in late April or May. (The coordinating committee and workshop evaluations provide suggestions for topics, locations, speakers, etc.)
( workshop guidelines - http://www.alaoweb.org/procmanual/general.php#wkshp ;
past workshops - http://www.alaoweb.org/igs/cmcig/workshops.php )

· Compose quarterly reports of interest group activities and post electronically prior to each board meeting. (You will receive friendly email reminders.)

· Compile an annual CMCIG report and post it electronically prior to the board retreat. (You will receive friendly email reminders.)

· Compose and electronically submit an article to the editor for each issue of the Newsletter (due August 15th, November 15th, February 15th, and May 15th) (You will receive friendly email reminders.)

· Review and update CMCIG purpose, goals, and objectives and submit changes for the Procedure’s Manual. (http://www.alaoweb.org/igs/cmcig/index.php )

· Review and update the CMCIG web page and send corrections to the ALAO web masters.

· Volunteer for board committees.
· Become part of the annual conference planning committee.
· Plan new CMCIG projects.

For additional information, please contact any member of the Coordinating Committee. http://www.alaoweb.org/igs/cmcig/index.php#coordcom

Consider sharing your time, knowledge, and experience with your colleagues. New ideas will help us grow professionally and keep us strong!!


CMCIG Spring Workshop

Virtual Education Collections:
Issues & Best Practices

The 20th Annual Spring Workshop sponsored by ALAO's
Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group

Friday, May 23, 2008
8:30 am to 3:30 pm @ OhioNet
1500 W. Lane Avenue, Columbus, Ohio

Continental Breakfast Provided.
Lunch is on your own, a box lunch option is available

Join ALAO’s Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group as the experts share their virtual collection development knowledge and experiences.

  • Learn how to select and manage electronic resources
  • Learn about electronic resource options for education
  • Learn about OHIONET’s library support and services
  • Be prepared for the NET Generation!

Scheduled to speak are:

  • Anne Gilliland, Assistant Director of Library Systems, Database Management, OhioLINK will share best practices for developing a virtual collection - acquiring, cataloging, circulating, and maintaining virtual (electronic, digital) resources. She will also provide an overview of OhioLINK’s future plans in this area, especially those that may impact education collections.

  • Cynthia Duchane, INFOhio Project Coordinator, will go over resources INFOhio provides for the K-12 community that can be utilized in education courses. She will highlight the resources that are also available via OhioLINK when students go on to continue their education. She hopes to share information about the 12-13 transition project INFOhio is working on with several K-12 and OhioLINK representatives, including Mary Cummings.

  • Mary Conroy, Electronic Resources Coordinator, OHIONET, will highlight electronic resources for academic libraries, their selection and evaluation, vendor negotiations, and copyright issues. She will provide an overview of OhioNet’s services and workshops for cataloging, collection management, and electronic collections.

  • Mary Cummings M.A, M.S.L.S. Librarian, Shawnee State University, will share free and fee audio and multimedia Children’s Literature resources and talk about how users can create podcasts of children’s literature.

Workshop cost? For ALAO/OCLIS members, cost is $30 with a box lunch and $25 without a box lunch. Cost for non-members, includes option of a 1 year ALAO Memberhsip with dues of $30, is $60 with a box lunch and $55 without a boxed lunch.

There is a registration limit of 30. Registration deadline is May 9, 2008.

For more information, visit the Workshop Website.