
Blogging - in general

It is one of life's great mysteries; decide on a topic of interest and suddenly there is a plethora of information delivered to you. After our CMCIG workshop, and subsequent decision to tackle this blog project, two articles published in Library Journal landed in my mailbox.

The first, an editorial in the April 2005 issue, defended a decision made by the journal to publish an article titled "Revenge of the Blog People!" Intrigued, I searched for the article to read what all the commotion was about. While I do not agree with the broad stroke definition presented, or the attitude of the author concerning bloggers and blogs, one of the points raised is that of accountability. We have a responsibility to provide current information in a professional manner.

The second article, published in the Spring 2005 netconnect supplement, discusses blog ethics. "The Ethical Blogger" details a few simple ideas blogs and bloggers should follow. According to author Karen Schneider, there are five rules or "concepts: transparaency, fairness, cite it, get it right, and if you broke it, fix it. We should keep in mind everyone is not thrilled with blogs, their technology, or what their place should be in an academic library. It is important to represent ourselves, our IG, in a professional manner.

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