ALAO 39th Annual Conference
University Center Kent State University at Stark
North Canton, Ohio
October 25, 2013
The ALAO 2013 Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for Poster Sessions, Lightning Talks, and Round Table Discussions. Applicants are encouraged to develop creative proposals that show thoughtful exploration of this year’s conference theme: The Changing Faces of Academic Libraries: Transforming, Reorganizing, Re‐imagining.
Poster Sessions, Lightning Rounds, & Round Table Discussions
Accepting Proposals July 15 - August 16, 2013
Poster: Presentations should graphically represent a topic and include text, tables, and images. Handouts are welcome and encouraged. Presenters will share their ideas with attendees during a designated time slot of the conference.
Lightning Talk: Designed to be fast-paced, thought provoking, and energizing. Lightning Talk presenters will have 7 minutes to deliver their practical or conceptual topics. There will not be scheduled time for Q & A; however, presenters may use part of their 7 minutes for this purpose.
Round-tables Discussion: This format is structured for small, informal group discussions to facilitate networking and information exchange. Discussion leaders should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues at their libraries. Please include 2-3 questions to be addressed during the discussion in the proposal.
Guidelines and the proposal submission form may be found here:
Submit your proposal to ALAO 2013 CPC
Students wishing to submit proposals should do so here:
Submit your proposal to ALAO 2013 CPC
If you are a support staff member or student, don't forget presenter grant opportunities are available.
*Originall published on Library Cloud.