
CMCIG Spring 2012 Workshop

CMCIG 2012: 
The Future of Ohio Libraries
State Library of Ohio  
274 East 1st Avenue - Columbus, OH 43201
Friday, May 18, 2012 - 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

Establishing and Maintaining an eReader Collection
Sue Polanka, Head of Reference & Instruction, Wright State University
Approximately 15-17% of academic and school libraries are lending eReaders to their patrons. There are a variety of ways to establish this service in a library. During this session, the nuts and bolts of establishing and maintaining an eReader collection will be discussed and demonstrated. Device selection, collection development, purchasing, policies and procedures,and budgeting will be discussed and debated. 

eReaders for Kids
Kathy Yoder, Education Librarian, Bowling Green State University
As academic libraries grapple with presenting electronic content to their patrons, curriculum materials centers also want to serve pre-service teachers with children’s eBooks from a variety of publishers. In this session we will take a look at what we want and need from an eBook platform: MARC records, unlimited access, affordability and more. Guest Lindsey Newman will demonstrate one such product, Mackin VIA, and Kathy Yoder will share her search for a children’s portal that meets the needs of an academic setting.

Grade School eTextbooks in the CMC
Ann Raney, CMC Director, University of Dayton
With the release of the new “Digital Textbook Playbook” by the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Department of Education to help advance the federal governments initiative to bring digital textbooks to all American students within the next five years, it is imperative that our collections begin the transition from print to digital format. During this session, PreK-12 textbook reps will share their digital textbook options.

State of Ohio's Libraries
Beverly Cain, the State Librarian.
Ohio’s school libraries are at a crossroads. State Librarian Cain will share information that has been gathered about them by the Working Together to Support Ohio’s Libraries Committee.

Event Registration:
Registration is now open! Visit the ALAO Web site and view events for more information.  The $35 registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch (options available at time of registration).

Register Now! CMCIG 2012: The Future of Ohio Libraries

Questions? Contact: CMCIG chair Stephanie Bange
Email: stephanie.bange - at - wright.edu


ALAO 2012: Call for Proposals

Impact Factor:  The Value of Academic Libraries
ALAO 38th Annual Conference
Friday, October 26, 2012
Roberts Centre, Wilmington, Ohio

CALL FOR PROPOSALS  --  Deadline:  May 4, 2012

The ALAO Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit proposals for presentations, lightning sessions, round table discussions and poster sessions for the 2012 Annual Conference. Share your experiences, practical solutions, expertise, and innovative practices with colleagues from all types of academic libraries.  Applicants are encouraged to develop creative proposals that show thoughtful exploration of this year’s conference theme: “Impact Factor:  The Value of Academic Libraries.” Join us as we explore the many ways in which academic libraries impact the campus, our communities and our profession. Possible topics include:·      

  • Calculating value through assessment
  • Identifying the library’s role in student learning and retention
  • Reallocating resources to increase return on investment
  • Promoting the library through marketing, programming, and public relations
  • Showcasing the value of library staff
  • Meeting the needs of our diverse user communities
  • Serving our community through outreach & service learning
  • Curating and publishing unique institutional content
  • Adopting new technologies to connect users with information


Presentations may take the form of contributed papers, demonstrations, workshops, research, or panel discussions. 

Lightning Talks are designed to be fast-paced, thought provoking, and energizing.  Presenters will have 7 minutes to deliver their practical or conceptual topics. There will not be scheduled time for Q & A; however, presenters may use part of their 7 minutes for this purpose.

Roundtables are small, informal group discussions designed to facilitate networking and information exchange. Facilitators should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues at their libraries. Please include 2-3 questions to be addressed during the discussion in the proposal.

Posters should graphically represent a topic and include text, tables, images, or other multimedia formats. Handouts are welcome and encouraged. Presenters will share their ideas with attendees during a designated time slot of the conference.


You are welcome to submit multiple proposals, however, please know that no more than 2 will be included in the final program.

  • All proposals will be blind-reviewed for content, relevance to the conference theme, and overall appeal.  A concise, clearly written description and abstract will help the reviewers evaluate your offering more clearly.
  • Exclude the name of your institution, department and any personal names in the abstract to expedite the blind review process. You do not need to exclude this information in the brief description.
  • You will be contacted regarding your a-v/technology requirements when your proposal is accepted.
  • Please print a copy of the completed form for your records before submitting.
  • You will receive an email confirmation upon submission. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact:  Aaron Olivera, The Ohio State University, olivera.3 at osu.edu
  • Need help? Click here for a PDF document describing the online proposal process.
  • All presenters will be responsible for their own registration and travel costs.

PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED VIAhttp://alaoweb.org/events


ALAO seeks to encourage  support staff development and participation in ALAO activities.  ALAO also seeks to provide opportunities for students and new librarians to grow professionally and encourages participation towards a career in academic libraries.  To that end ALAO awards a Support Staff Presenter Grant and a Student Presenter Grant annually.  Grant monies of $150 for each award are intended to assist with the costs incurred in preparing the presentation and modest travel costs associated with the presentation. 

More information, including eligibility requirements is available via the following links.

Applications for student and support staff presenter grants are available at http://alaoweb.org/events.