
CMCIG Spring Workshop

ALAO's Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group will hold its annual spring workshop on Friday, May 18, 2007, from 8:30 until 3:45, at the Instructional Materials Center in the King Library of Miami University in Oxford. The workshop, "Dynamic CMCs: Tools to Improve Service," will feature the following sessions:

Weeding and Cooperative Collection Development
Sara Bushong, Bowling Green State University

Treasures of Children's Literature at Miami University
Janet Stuckey, Miami University

Children's and Young Adult Literature - the Favorites, Old & New!
Elaine Fultz, Centerville City Schools

The Care and Feeding of Library Student Assistants
Group discussion, led by Greg Martin, Cedarville University

Tour of the William Holmes McGuffey Museum on Miami's campus

Tour of the new Instructional Materials Center, King Library, Miami University

Annual (short!) business meeting
During the business meeting, we need to elect a new chair for the 2007-2008 academic year. Please consider becoming more involved with the CMCIG and ALAO by offering to stand for this position.

For more information, and to register for the workshop, please go to the workshop website.